Five reasons to choose a pet pottery bowl

We're a soft-hearted lot when it comes to our pets. We shower our furry friends with affection and attention all year round and think nothing of buying them toys and treats.

Five reasons to choose a pet pottery bowl

When it comes to their favourite time of day, paying attention to what we serve their food in is no exception. And when you make your own pottery pet bowl, your cat or dog will feast from a personalised bowl.

Our workshops give the opportunity to make your own pottery pet bowl. The sizes can be adapted to suit most pets from rabbits and cats to dogs of all sizes.

Here are five reasons why making a ceramic bowl for your pet is a great option.

Eco friendly

Most plastic pet bowls aren’t biodegradable or recyclable, so they end up in landfill or become part of the plastic pollution gathering in the seas and oceans.

Ceramic bowls are long-lasting and tend to outlast their mass-produced counterparts so they’re a great investment for the planet and your pocket.

What’s more, when you make your own with us the finished piece will be wrapped in biodegradable and compostable packaging.

Easy to clean

Unlike plastic bowls or mass-produced pottery, hand-made ceramic bowls are less likely to scratch, crack, or chip and the smooth glazed finish prevents food from taking hold and sticking. This makes it easy to keep your feeding bowl clean and hygienic.

Ceramic bowls can also be safely washed in the dishwasher.


Ceramic bowls are non-toxic and free of harmful chemicals that can be found in some plastic bowls making them a safe choice for your furry friend. All the glazes we use in our workshops are food and pet safe.

You'll also avoid allergies that some dogs and cats may develop to certain metals like stainless steel or nickel.

Ceramic is sturdy, which is particularly helpful to stop the inevitable mess if your dog loves to gnaw, push, or carry their bowl!

Pleasing on the eye

When it comes to style, hand-made pottery is a winner. In our workshops you’ll create your own ceramic pet bowl from scratch and decorate it just as you like.

You can select your own colours, pick from a selection of stamps to create unique patterns and designs, and choose the glaze. This all means you can create a bowl that perfectly suits your taste, while serving as a functional feeding dish for your pet.

It’s fun and satisfying

The freedom of creating your own beautiful and functional pottery pieces gives a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, so you won’t fret if you’re doing it wrong. So, you can comfortably shed your inhibitions and enjoy the process.

Our workshops are suitable for complete beginners or seasoned potters, so whether you've got bags of ideas or need some inspiration, you’ll get all the help you need.


The wonderful benefits of a pottery workshop