Why do we love our mugs so much?

Whether you’re a tea drinker or a coffee lover, you’ve probably got a favourite mug that you alone use.

Why do we love our mugs so much?

In comparison to any other type of crockery, there’s something very special about mugs and our relationship to them. Maybe you can’t bear the thought of someone else using it. Perhaps you truly believe coffee or tea tastes better out of it.

It’s a serious phenomenon. Research by Heinz showed 60 percent of people have an emotional bond with their favourite mug. Forty percent said their cup is irreplaceable, and around a third confessed they would be upset if it was broken.

Here are four reasons why your mug is much more than just a mug.

A sense of ownership

Your mug belongs to you, so can feel very valuable.

Scientists call this the endowment effect, which is when people tend to overvalue their own possessions usually for sentimental reasons. Famous research, aptly known as the Mug Study, shows people tend to demand greater prices for goods they already own than for identical goods they don’t possess.

A reflection of you

Mugs can say a lot about their owners. Often embellished with a memorable image, meaningful quote, or a quirky phrase they can echo our personality, beliefs, or even your favourite TV show. Mugs also come in lots of sizes and shapes. For this reason, we can develop deep affection for this practical and inanimate object!

It makes you feel good

Mugs make brilliant gifts, keepsakes, and souvenirs and often trigger memories or emotions of a favourite person, place, or occasion.

And we all know curling up with a cuppa is soothing, evoking a sense of tranquillity and security. In fact, research by Yale and Colorado universities backs this up as it showed cradling a hot drink generates positive feelings. So, it’s perfectly normal to associate our mug with feelings that make us feel good!

It's part of our life

Mugs are part of routines integral to our lives. Whether you wake up with a hot coffee, enjoy a cup of tea in the afternoon, or snuggle in the evening with a hot chocolate, our mugs are our loyal companions.

Why not make your own mug?

In our pottery workshops you’ll get the chance to make and decorate your own ceramic mugs. Using stoneware clay, you’ll hand build the mugs, draw your decoration or use a selection of stamps to create unique patterns, and choose a glaze to finish it with. Perfect for a personal treat or a gift for someone special. Get details.

Do you already have a special mug? Tag us on Instagram or Facebook with your mugshot!


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